On November 16th YAL @ UW-Madison and the Center for Study of Liberal democracy will be hosting Jordan B Peterson.
The event is free, but tickets must be reserved at jordanpetersonindoctrination.eventbrite.com.
With his students and colleagues, Dr. Peterson has published more than a hundred scientific papers, transforming the modern understanding of personality, and revolutionized the psychology of religion with his now-classic book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief. As a Harvard professor, he was nominated for the prestigious Levinson Teaching Prize, and is regarded by his current University of Toronto students as one of three truly life-changing teachers.
Dr. Peterson is a Quora “Most Viewed Writer in Values and Principles and Parenting and Education” with 125,000 Twitter followers and 35,000 Facebook likes. His YouTube channel has over 200 videos, 275,000 subscribers, and 12,000,000 views, and his classroom lectures on mythology were turned into a popular 13-part TV series on TVO.
Dr. Peterson’s online self-help program, The Self Authoring Suite, has been featured in O: The Oprah Magazine, on CBC radio, and on NPR’s national website. It has helped over 150,000 people resolve the problems of their past and radically improve their future.
Young Americans for Liberty at UW-Madison is the local campus chapter of the YAL national org. Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) identifies, educates, trains, and mobilizes youth activists committed to “winning on principle.” Our goal is to cast the leaders of tomorrow and reclaim the policies, candidates, and direction of our government.
Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy (CSLD) is a UW-Madison institution. CSLD promotes appreciation and understanding of the cardinal principles of institutions of liberal democracy, including, but not limited to constitutionalism and rule of law, the meaning and scope of freedom and free markets in a democratic order. CSLD also has the goal of advancing intellectual diversity at the University by taking ideas seriously that we believe have not always enjoyed sufficient respect on campus.