January 12-13, 2024
New Orleans, LA
(a conference-within-conference at the SPSA)
Co-hosted by Richard Avramenko (CSLD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Philip Munoz (CCCG at the University of Notre Dame), we will sponsor a two-day conference that piggybacks on the 2024 SPSA conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Scholars will be offered the opportunity to present and workshop papers, which will then be gathered for a special issue of the Political Science Reviewer in mid-2024. The theme is “Latin America”, but we are hoping that scholars will present papers that showcase their particular corner, discipline, and methodology.
The Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy (UW-Madison) and The Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government (Notre Dame) will provide a $1500 travel grant to cover travel, lodging, meals, and entertainment — $750 after the conference in NOLA, and $750 upon submission of a revised paper to the Political Science Reviewer.
January 3, 2024: First draft of paper due (25pp max)
January 12-13, 2024: Paper workshops
March 17, 2024: Revised draft of paper due (submit to Political Science Reviewer)
March 30, 2024: Reader reports due
June 30, 2024: PSR 48.2 (2023) published
Conference Schedule:
Keynote Address
Saturday, 6:00pm-7:30pm (Churchill D – 2nd Floor)
“Power over Energy: Law, Resource Nationalism, and Latin America’s Central Role in the Global Climate Change Crisis”
Diego von Vacano, Texas A&M University
Panel 1: Law, Liberty, and Constitutionalism in Latin America
Friday, 5:00pm-6:20pm (Churchill C1 – 2nd Floor)
Chair: Richard Avramenko (University of Wisconsin)
Alejandro Castrillon, Baylor University
Guillermo Perez, University of Texas, Austin
Juan Vargas, University of Notre Dame
Panel 2: Latin American Thought in Comparative Perspective
Saturday, 9:30am-10:50am (Churchill C1 – 2nd Floor)
Chair: Diego von Vacano, Texas A&M University
Luke Foster, University of Notre Dame
Brendon Westler, St. Olaf College
Pedro Gonzalez, Barry University
Phillip Pinell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Panel 3: Political Thought on the Rio de la Plata
Saturday, 11:00am-12:20pm (Churchill C1 – 2nd Floor)
Chair: Richard Avramenko (University of Wisconsin)
Alejandra M. Salinas, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Daniel Mahoney, Assumption College
Eduardo Schmidt Passos, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nayeli Riano, Georgetown University