Featuring a symposium on Political Leadership and an Author-Meets-Critics roundtable on Luke Sheahan’s new book, Why Associations Matter, have a look the latest volume of the Political Science Reviewer.
Month: October 2020
Sifting & Winnowing
The third volume of S&W’s Wisconsin Ideas Conference Papers are now published. The Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy provides regular support to S&W. To learn more click here.
Nomocratic Pluralism: Plural Values, Negative Liberty, and the Rule of Law
2019 CSLD Visiting Scholar Ken McIntyre published Nomocratic Pluralism: Plural Values, Negative Liberty, and the Rule of Law this month. This book is a contribution to the ongoing conversation about value pluralism and its relation …
First Book Manuscript Workshop 2021
The Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison invites submissions for its annual First Book Manuscript Workshop. The book selected will be the subject of a day-long conference at which …
2021 Post-Doctoral Fellowship Opportunity
The CSLD is accepting applications for academic year 2021-2022.